A few days ago, Borja and Maitane from Azkorri SC were coming back home from the beach and they saw something unusual in our little town. Two cool mods on their Vespa scooter looking a little bit lost. They asked them for instructions to get to the High Tech Hotel. They had been asking for instructions to get there but nobody seemed to know that hotel. The reason for that was that the High Tech is a recent denomination for the all-time favourite Tamarises Hotel (where the English national football team stayed during the 1982 World Cup). Borja and Maitane helped the British scooterists to get to the hotel. They told them that they were from Birmingham and had arrived at Santander port on the ferry, and that their journey to Algorta took them 5 hours because of the poor road signs... Anyway, as the weather was great and it was a Thursday, B&M told them that we usually meet on Thursdays nights to have a drink, eat something, and chat with the people in the scooter club. So we met them at the Old Port in Algorta.
Not many of the Azkorri SC members showed up but Patsy and Humph did. What a really nice couple!!!!! I could tell you they absolutely seemed part of our gang. Their musical taste, their clothes, their style, the way they live the scooter scene,... everything. We were so comfortable that stayed up till the small pub closed. Then, B&M invited us to their place to drink some wine and listen to their cool records. Patsy & Humph left the next day towards the French part of the Basque Country. On Friday, they got to Lekeitio. Then, on Sunday we got to know they were in a typical Euskal Jaia (Basque Fest) in beautiful Sara. Last thing we knew was they were in Bilbao yesterday but it was impossible for us to meet with them... that was a shame...
They have left today in the ferry back to England, but they will forever be part of the Azkorri Scooter Club (they already have our patches).
Keep the Faith, Patsy and Humph! Hope to see you again in the future!!
PS: Please, forgive any gramatical mistake.
4 comentarios:
Really had a nice time that thursday down at the Old Port (Puerto Viejo de Algorta) with this two Birmingham mods. Hope to see you again soon, here or there.
Maitane & Borja
Joder Borja! pareces una paisa de lo moreno que estas a ver si te van a pedir los papeles algun dia de estos!!
Patsy & Humph son muy guay - but your English is better!
Glad u all had a great time - looking forward to seeing them at a groovy cinema this w/e to drink wine & watch the Godfather.
saludos a todos a Azkorri Scooter Club
Patsy and Humph say a big eskerrik asko to the Azkorri Scooter Club and would love to see them in Birmingham one day
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